Usage guidelines
- Communicating a navigation that will occur.
- Triggering or enabling a navigation, such as visiting another URL.
- Progressing or regressing a user through a step in a flow in separate URLs.
- Inlined in text. Instead, use Link.
- Limited space available. Consider using an IconButtonLink instead.
Best practices
Place primary ButtonLinks to the right or top of other ButtonLink styles.
Place more than one primary ButtonLink per container/area.
Show the full text on ButtonLinks. ButtonLinks should be stacked when they cannot be displayed side by side.
Truncate the ButtonLink text. In rare instances where ButtonLinks must remain on one line, truncate the text on the secondary ButtonLink before truncating on the primary ButtonLink.
Use an IconButton + Tooltip next to the disabled ButtonLink if you need to explain why it is disabled.
Use a Tooltip on disabled ButtonLink, as it is not accessible for keyboard and screen reader users.
ARIA attributes
When ButtonLink text does not provide sufficient context about the ButtonLink’s behavior, supply a short, descriptive label for screen-readers using accessibilityLabel
Texts like “Visit“, or “Learn more“ can be confusing when a screen reader reads them out of context. In those cases, we must pass an alternative text with deeper context to replace the ButtonLink text, like “Visit Pinterest's help center“ or “Learn more about Pinterest's ads policy”.
Color contrast in disabled state
Disabled Buttons do not need to pass color contrast guidelines.
From, 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum): Text or images of text that are part of an inactive user interface component, that are pure decoration, that are not visible to anyone, or that are part of a picture that contains significant other visual content, have no contrast requirement.
Our current disabled ButtonLink implementation does fail to pass color contrast on accessibility integration tests. To exclude disabled buttons from the integration tests we recomment conditionally setting a data-test-id={ isDisabled ? "disabled-button-<name>" : undefined }
and excluding them from the integration test.
cypress-axe that can be achieved with cy.a11yCheck({ exclude: [['[data-test-id="disabled-button-submit"]']] })
Be sure to localize all text strings. Note that localization can lengthen text by 20 to 30 percent.
import { ButtonLink, DefaultLabelProvider, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <DefaultLabelProvider labels={{ Link: { accessibilityNewTabLabel: 'Öffnet eine neue Browser-Registerkarte.', accessibilityDownloadLabel: 'Es lädt eine Datei herunter.', }, }} > <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <ButtonLink color="red" href="" iconEnd="visit" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Besuchen Sie Pinterest" /> </Flex> </DefaultLabelProvider> ); }
The typical state of a ButtonLink that represents it can be interacted with and is not in a selected state.Disabled
Used to block user interaction such as hover, focus and click. Disabled Buttons are completely unreachable by a keyboard and screenreader, so do not attach Tooltips to disabled Buttons.
import { ButtonLink, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit Pinterest" color="red" href="" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Visit Pinterest" /> </Flex> ); }
import { ButtonLink, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Go back" disabled href="" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Go back" /> </Flex> ); }
ButtonLink is available in 3 fixed sizes:
Large is the only size that should be used on Pinner
Medium is used on more dense UI such as business surfaces or internal
Small should be used sparingly and only in places where the UI is very dense.
On white backgrounds
- Red (Primary)
High emphasis, used for primary actions. - Gray (Secondary)
Medium emphasis, used for secondary actions. - Transparent (Tertiary)
Low emphasis when placed on dark/image backgrounds, used for tertiary actions in that context. Note, this treatment should be used with caution as it has potential color contrast issues.
On color/image backgrounds
- White (Primary)
High emphasis when placed on color/image backgrounds, used for primary actions in that context. - Semi-transparent white (Secondary)
Medium emphasis when placed on color/image backgrounds, used for secondary actions in that context.
import { Box, ButtonLink, Flex, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex gap={6} height="100%" width="100%" wrap> {['gray', 'red', 'transparent', 'dark'].map((color) => { const colorCopy = color; return ( <Flex key={color} direction="column" gap={2}> <Box alignItems="center" borderStyle="sm" display="flex" height={200} justifyContent="center" rounding={4} width={200} > <ButtonLink color={colorCopy} href="" iconEnd="visit" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Visit" /> </Box> <Text size="200" weight="bold"> {/* color="{color}" */} </Text> </Flex> ); })} </Flex> </Box> ); }
import { Box, ButtonLink, Flex, Text } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Box padding={4}> <Flex gap={6} height="100%" width="100%" wrap> {['semiTransparentWhite', 'transparentWhiteText', 'white'].map( (color) => { const colorCopy = color; return ( <Flex key={color} direction="column" gap={2}> <Box alignItems="center" borderStyle="sm" dangerouslySetInlineStyle={{ __style: { backgroundImage: 'url("")', }, }} display="flex" height={200} justifyContent="center" rounding={4} width={200} > <ButtonLink color={colorCopy} href="" iconEnd="visit" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Visit" /> </Box> <Text size="200" weight="bold"> color="{color}" </Text> </Flex> ); } )} </Flex> </Box> ); }
Inline (default)
Inline is our default ButtonLink width. The width of an inline ButtonLink is based on the length of its text. Use in most cases where you need a ButtonLink.Full-width (
Full-width ButtonLink can be used in narrower content areas when the text in the ButtonLink is close to full width in the content area. This is especially common to see in components such as BannerCallout and BannerUpsell at their smaller breakpoints.
import { Box, ButtonLink } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Box direction="column" display="flex" justifyContent="center" margin={4} width="100%" > <Box margin={2} width="100%"> <ButtonLink color="red" fullWidth={false} href="" iconEnd="visit" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Inline Link" /> </Box> <Box margin={2} width="100%"> <ButtonLink color="red" fullWidth href="" iconEnd="visit" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Full-width Link" /> </Box> </Box> ); }
adds an icon after the ButtonLink text, and iconStart
adds an icon before. Icons should only be used to visually reinforce a specific function or interaction of the ButtonLink. Menus and external links are a common use case. Use visit
when linking to an external URL or arrow-down
when displaying a Popover on click. Note that icons on ButtonLink are not accessible to screen readers.
import { ButtonLink, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="" href="" iconEnd="visit" iconStart="sparkle" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Visit AI solution" /> </Flex> ); }
import { Box, ButtonLink, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Box padding={2}> <Flex direction="column" gap={2} height="100%"> <Box width="100%"> <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit Pinterest's Academy" fullWidth href="" iconEnd="visit" size="lg" text="" /> </Box> <Box width={250}> <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit Pinterest's Academy" fullWidth href="" iconEnd="visit" lineClamp={1} size="lg" text="" /> </Box> <Box width="100%"> <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit Pinterest's Academy" fullWidth href="" iconEnd="visit" size="sm" text="" /> </Box> <Box width={250}> <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit Pinterest's Academy" fullWidth href="" iconEnd="visit" lineClamp={1} size="sm" text="" /> </Box> </Flex> </Box> ); }
Focus style
import { Box, ButtonLink, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <Box height={150} width={150}> <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit Pinterest" color="red" focusColor="lightBackground" href="" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Visit Pinterest" /> </Flex> </Box> <Box color="inverse" height={150} width={150}> <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit Pinterest" color="red" focusColor="darkBackground" href="" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} size="lg" text="Visit Pinterest" /> </Flex> </Box> </Flex> ); }
External handlers
ButtonLink consumes external handlers from GlobalEventsHandlerProvider.
- onNavigation: executed when ButtonLink is clicked
See GlobalEventsHandlerProvider for more information.
rel and target
These optional props control the behavior of ButtonLink. External links commonly use target="_blank"
to open the link in a new tab or window, and rel="nofollow"
to provide hints for SEO.
import { ButtonLink, Flex } from 'gestalt'; export default function Example() { return ( <Flex alignItems="center" height="100%" justifyContent="center" width="100%" > <ButtonLink accessibilityLabel="Visit Pinterest" href="" iconEnd="visit" onClick={({ event }) => event.preventDefault()} rel="nofollow" size="lg" target="blank" text="Visit Pinterest" /> </Flex> ); }
Component quality checklist
Quality item | Status | Status description |
Figma Library | Component is not currently available in Figma. | |
Responsive Web | Ready | Component responds to changing viewport sizes in web and mobile web. |
Internal documentation
Use ButtonLink when an action is needed instead of a link.
When displaying multiple ButtonLinks in a layout, use ButtonGroup to ensure consistent spacing and wrapping behavior.
Use IconButton when only an icon is needed instead of text.
Use TapArea to make non-button elements interactive, like an Image. This ensures the element interaction is accessible and uses Gestalt styles.
Tabs are intended for page-level navigation between multiple URLs.
GlobalEventsHandlerProvider allows external link navigation control across all children components with link behavior.
GlobalEventsHandlerProvider to learn more about link navigation.